Data sources
The data used to create this interactive web application is from the following listed data tables:
- Statistics Canada. Table 12-10-0173-01 Canadian international merchandise trade by province and country, and by product sections, customs-based, annual (x 1,000)
- Statistics Canada. Table 25-10-0029-01 Supply and demand of primary and secondary energy in terajoules, annual
- Statistics Canada. Table 25-10-0079-01 Consolidated Energy Statistics
- Statistics Canada. Table 27-10-0347-01 Industrial energy research and development expenditures by area of technology, by industry group based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and country of control (x 1,000,000)
- Statistics Canada. Table 36-10-0400-01 Gross domestic product (GDP) at basic prices, by industry, provinces and territories, percentage share
- Statistics Canada. Table 36-10-0480-01 Labour productivity and related measures by business sector industry and by non-commercial activity consistent with the industry accounts